Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i cant do anything for u..

i hate my eyes..let me see what a dark world..
i hate Pisces..too emo, rely on everything, not resolute at all..
i hate my sixth sense..let me know Wat ppl is thinking and cannot be me..

sometime i will think like izzit I'm in the right decision?
i knew many ppl not agree v my decision but i still choose it..is it I'm wrong?
i admit some thing i have to change but i didn't do it..keep on repeating the same..
I'm good in give guidance to others but not me..

someone told me, i don't know how to protect myself..
YES, i am. I'm believed in "how much i get depends on how much I'd paid".This is the
thing i always do, but what am i getting in the end? even I'd done everything for
u..NOTHING..but i still do it..My purpose very simple, i just don't wanna get hurt by ppl, so, i
wont do anything that will get ppl hurt..that's all..izzit very difficult huh??

someone told me, I'm too care about other's feeling but don't know wat i really want..
i admit, i used to stay in ppl shadow..i knew wat ppl want, then i will do extra but not lesser to
them..i feel I'm no qualms upon my self-examination in everything but why? why i always be
the person who get hurt more? I'm just trying to be the person that u want me to be..

i wished to change but i don't know how to change..

i hope to change but the situation not allow me to change..

i gonna be change but I'm not dare to face the change..

maybe I'm too incompetent, or
maybe i just wanna escape on it..


i really dont know what i gonna do..
i just wana have a win-win situation..
difficult huh??
who can teach me?

left 4 months and 28 days in Malaysia

1 comment:

Miya said...
