Thursday, December 24, 2009

half year anniversary..

guess what??
yoohoo..half years anniversary...
unbelievable right?? at least for the person who like me.. hee..
half year before...i was thinking i am a kind of girl who cannot "tahan" long distance relationship as i faced before.. :p
but now..I am having a happiness long long distance relationship with my piggy Loong..
thanks baby..

designed by my baby loong.. :)

p/s: congratss san too... XD

Thursday, November 12, 2009

last year 1st sem...ended..

Finally finally finally~~~
Summer holiday is started since the time i stepped out from service marketing exam room..
woohoo..but kinda alot of things need to do before i get back to Msia...
1. continue my house's contract
2. buy souvenir
3. pack my stuff
4. play paint ball + travel around Brisbane...
5. finish up all my snacks in my cupboard
6. prepare myself to leave my lovely housemates :'(
7. count down the time i gonna fly back to meet my beloved family ^^
8. thinking thinking thinking + dreaming dreaming and dreaming~~~ ^^

here to announce all my Msia friends...
appointments are available now...woohoo..
laska...nasi lemak...mi sua...a poh bak kut teh..a po chiken rice...roti canai..roti planta..roti tisu..cheese naan...fishess...seafood...ha mee...hokkian mee...wantan mee..rojak...cendol...dim sum..economic rice...loklok...satey..tauhu bakar...air kacang...tea tarik..mee goreng..wabao chicken rice...Lim family's yip beng...woohooo....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


TO: My beloved Housematesss...

Is time to work hard on my study..
But...semester end means bk, jt, kh and js gonna graduate soon...sobsob..
记得当时,Semester1 刚过一半,因为某人我才知道你是MR INTI的Participant 身边总是有一大堆人围着, 我当时的习惯是不会去认识太“红”的人, 所以刚开始的两三个月,都还不认识你, 当你当上MR INTI之后更不用说了人龙排到满啊!! 哈哈 不过人嘛都有落寞期, 还好你遇见了我..哈哈 真不知道是幸运还是不幸 如果当时没有给你那颗糖 不知道现在会是什么情景。
Semester 2 发生了一件“怪事”,让被朋友排挤的我和罪魁祸首的你, 变成了无话不谈的好朋友...也因为这样让我认识了你当时的Housemate..Cyprian...又是另一段孽缘的开始...记得有一次我问到“你之前的女朋友, 你最喜欢哪个?”你说“我的初恋”还说她下个Semester会来INTI读书...当时几高兴一下..哈哈...是这个时候,你才知道我不吃粿条。。
Foundation Semester3 一起毕业...靖婷出现 然后在一起,开始了4个人的世界..
Degree Semester1 2 每个星期都到电影院报到,到处去吃喝玩乐, 忙ONight,忙功课,烦考试。。某些事发生,也慢慢的变成了我你靖婷3 个人的生活...陪着不喜欢一个人吃饭的我一起吃饭,带着不高兴的我一起去疯。硬把不想出门的我给拖出门。
Degree Semester3 是我和靖婷在INTI的最后一个Semester, 抱歉啦! 比你先回家, 留下你一个人在INTI 哈
和他分手时, 谢谢你的肩膀...谢谢你帮我守住痛哭的秘密... 还有你给我的爱心Tissue,我把它收起来了, 现在还在我家... 感动下... 嘻嘻

靖婷哦... 要谢谢你 不介意当廖的妹妹 哈哈哈 换成其他人的话 应该会生气吧.. 不知道是你迟钝还是天真 哈哈 开玩笑的啦!!
虽然你做事比人家慢, 吃饭不比人家快, 冲凉都比人家久, 但是不要担心, 我还是会等你的... 不过可以的话还是要快一点啦!!哈哈
从以前那个长长头发乖巧安静的靖婷 变成了完全相反出口成“脏”每天以欺负我为乐的靖婷 sobsob 天啊 都不知道是福是祸 可能是参某人太久了哈哈
记得结婚前 得给我一年半的通知哦 不然我会来不及做准备的 哈哈
我们的3人行... 一起到了澳洲... 一起住... 一起生气... 一起闹... 现在到你们留下我了...
谢谢你这们这几年的照顾,不过还没到最后哦。 不联络我, 我就杀了你们...


来澳洲之前根本不知道陈金凰这号人物的存在 到了澳洲先是帮我庆祝生日 然后再一起帮很多人庆祝生日 但是都没什么交谈 认为你不容易亲近 当知道要和你一起住的时候 还蛮紧张担心的说 怕你不好相处,怕你这个那个 怕到一个程度 哈哈 哪知道... 完完全全就是另外一个廖炳坤嘛 白担心了 也松了一口气... 早听电脑说你很会煮, 哪知还真的很会 哈哈 每天都吃到我饱到~~ 有空就糖水 没空就炒饭 真的是肥到~~ 没人要我就等你帮我介绍咯 哈哈 有事没事都喜欢跑去你房间聊天 聊些18+的话题 玩sudoku 看你搞怪 看你把浪漫的东西变成不浪漫 哈哈 不过我永远都会记得你说过的那么一句话 “慧玲,你Maintain这间屋子啦,这样我以后才知道去哪里找你”几SWEEEEEET已下... 虽然这是你的玩笑话 可是你的这句话,我觉得... 你有浪漫的潜力 加油 你行的 哈哈 还有要努力读书努力做工哦, 以后要找你帮我逃税的说.. YANG~~加油哦!下次我们还要一起帮炳坤靖婷电脑筹备生日哦

电脑 为了可以在我们家河对面看电影留下来吧 哈哈 电脑电脑 以前不知道是哪个死鬼 告诉我说电脑这个外号 是因为他在inti的时候 每次带着电脑 所以大家才叫他电脑 气死我了 害我被笑 == 在还没真正认识你之前 都不知道你这样MAN 身材又FIT 人又高 又细心...哈哈 *等下记得请我吃饭* 还有还有还会HURT人咯 有一次有一次 我和佩贞在聊天 不知道聊到什么 我就问他“电脑,你要不要我?”他竟然说“什么,看你要给我多少钱先”==... 真不给面子!!可怜我...没人要(金凰快帮我介绍 :p ).. :p 亏我还用了我宝贵的3天来做你的生日Video..可怜啊 XD 电脑,你的就不用写那么多啦 还有机会的,对吗? 留下来读你的Master? 哈哈 开玩笑的啦 未来自己决定吧!!还有如果下次看到5 个大男生坐在一辆车上,我会快点跑的.. 哈哈 更重要的一个就是要谢谢你 谢谢你半年前打给我的那一通电话 让我有了那么一个开开心心幸福洋溢的家 哈哈

谢谢你们咯,给了我一个那么温馨又温暖的“家” ..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

unit 13, 36 Glen Road..

心血来潮想写个华语的blog,才发现我的华语不是普通的烂。 天啊!! 
算了 既然开始了就得硬着头皮写下去咯。。

搬了新家 功课也慢慢上了轨道 所有烦恼的事都渐渐的平淡下来..

Ouch! 我敲到脚...
Ouch! 我夹到手...
Ouch! 我腰骨酸...
出自于 我们家标准天平座“低调”又搞怪的陈金凰 aka Kim Huang~~ aka 阿凰...



我们??没变没变 当然还是我啦,靖婷啦,和廖炳坤咯 哈哈

看在一旁帮忙切菜的电脑 嘴上说着“未来的CEO沦落到要切菜”,可是手却没停过。。

我?每天回家冲好凉就有热腾腾的饭菜等着我啦。。哈哈 多么幸福的事啊!!

这个学期都是他们4人的最后一个学期了。。天啊!!留下我一人 :'(

我们的全家福... :)

"assignment checker" 金凰 和我..


当然少不了靖婷和Liew啦.. XD


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Enjoying my busy n happening life..

busy busy busy life...
individual assignments,
group assignments,
marketing plans and
copy writing creative portfolio...

OMG...wad kind of life I'm having now..haha..but i really quite enjoy this kind of busy life then..
as my dad said, u will miss the busy study life after u graduated..hee..quite agree on his words.. :p
i miss Msia food...rojak, satey, nasi lemak, laksa, bak gut teh, mi sua and etc...haha
miss my family and my frens...
OHYA..congratulation to my frens who graduated on this sem..cheer for ur coming working

gonna start count down the time i back to Msia dy..heee
finally come to the end..
although this is not the ending that we wished to be had..
but the point is..we lose on this war.. :)
the war between our relationship and ur family..
yea..I'm fine as i told u..and i will be fine dont worry..
no need to blame on anyone..
if u do..u just blame on we are too young, cannot do whatever things we like ..
someone asked me: did i cry?
my answer is: no, cause i cant find the reason to make myself cry..i think this is the best solution on this situation.. :)

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened..

as a conclusion..I'm really not suitable for having long distance relationship then..hee

Saturday, July 25, 2009


i dont knw wad to say and how to say..its really hard..
this few mood and the things tat happened on myself was so.....haiz...
my relationship...was so happening..
im poor in translating my feeling into word..somemore in english tim..hee
but dont worry guys..I can handle it well..hope so...hee
1st week of my final year first sem..1 word can describe it...BUSY...
a lot of articles, magazines, adnews, group assessments, individual assignments, MARKSTRAT and exams...OMG...
Final year in Aus..starting thinking on my future..
where i gonna stay on?
who i gonna stick with?
wad decision i gonna go on?
dont think dont think...will be fine..opps..should say "i'm fine"..hee

finally got 1 thing make me happy...
Social Board..wohoo..congratulations to all the Social Board's committee ya...
best event and best night..haha..
really really great to hear it..thanks kevin n dixon, brought me this superb good news..hee..
cheer..getting high expectation to SB..hee..glad to be one of the SB's "senior" old..hee
congratulations once again..hee

to dearest u..
thanks for brought me to a happiness life since last not used to say my words out decided to write down on here...this is the best decision for u then..i really really dont wana c u suffer alone over there...the purpose that i decided to be with you not because of making u worries or suffer.. i wish to help u but i dont knw wad can i do for, this decision maybe can help reduce some stress gua..hope then..hee..dont worry..i'm fine then..hee..
busy life will lead me to less extra thinking but still will keep contact with u..hee..
although we nid to be separate for few months or a year..hope everything will maintain the same as now..haha..wad a big decision then..hee..
HL's quote "future cannot predict"..let's try our best then..hee...
dont be moody again..u knw i dont wana c tat..cheer...i knw its quite hard for u..but u have to..promise? hee..
yesterday i told u, if u fall in luv v others or found a gal who suit u more in this few months or a year then i will hate u..hee..but if the thing really happen..dont worry just go to nid to care about my side, i hope u can stay happiness no matter the gal who beside u is still me or others...hee...but should tell me earlier if not i will still hate u..hahaha.. :p
Happy 1st Month Anniversary then..lets continue our relationship after a year loh..cheer for the big big decision..heee..miss ya..
P/s: sorry for yesterday thing.. :p

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moved house..Glen road..

Move move move...
we moved to new house since 10th July 2009..from sandford st to Glen road..hee
It looks quite similar as hotel and again river side view..
Everything is seems like so beautiful and peaceful..hee
but i have some comments on our unite number and floor level...
UNIT 13, 4th FLOOR..
13..a black number in western country..
4th floor..normally won't be seen level 4 in Malaysia..SWT...
but never mind cause FINALLY our house got television..WOOHOO..
Although it is small "sweet potato" type of television but it is good enough for me dy..hee
CAN YOU BELIEVE?? I can survive 5 months without television..hee
Welcome bac again to the television world..hahha

New semester started dy...assignment life is waiting for me...GAMBATEH!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Final is over...but kinda worried about my result..haiz
hope everything will be fine...hee
anyway..let's PARTY...woohoo..
i started my holiday since 2 days ago (22nd June)...
holiday life??
almost the same as the time we gonna go for class then..hee
but without really really free now..hee
going out...
singing k..
online -ing...
these are all the things that we planned to do in this holiday then..
ohya..gonna to move house soon..hee
discovered something funny..
let's show to all of you..hee
cute baby...Take 1: Cuuutiieeeee~~~~~Take 2: Oppss..they are from difference parents..hee..
Take 3: let's look again..heee..look alike right??hee

Name: Jun Jun
Sex: Boy Boy
HomeTown: Johor Bahru
(JingTing's nephew)

Name: Tang Tang
Sex: gal gal
HomeTown: Pontian
(KeePY's niece)

heee....cute right???hee....
Hope KeePY will notice this blog..hahah

Thursday, June 18, 2009

what shoud i do???

I really don't know how to start this blog..too complicated to describe my current life..
is totally messy and down...swt..
Once the problems come out, the ONLY thing that i can do is just face the problems..
i know the quote..but once i faced the problem..its really hard to apply then..
"don't worry, u can make it, cheer up Lim Huey Ling" this is the sentence that i told myself..
but...??? yea... i try... try....
Thanks guys..esp; san, jt,bk,yl,tl,cw,yh,mq,lt,jyn,cs,ku,yy,fan and wc..(sorry ya..if i missed out someone..)
i know you all worried on me..i will be fine then..i hope so...
hope can solve the problems then..or else wish an angel stay beside me...
last paper on 22 of June..after final..PARTY TIME!!!

p/s: Congratulations to wc..really happy to hear that..hee..don't think too much..not your fault then..stay happiness and sweet ya.
Fan..u too..don't think something extra..if not i'll complain to ivy..hee

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


long long time didnt update blog dy..hee
just summit the second last advertising assessment..
it's really been killing me..i had been vomited all my ideas and 'creative'.. more assignment to go..swt...
the time is passing damn fast..the final is around the corner and my first semester in Australia is gonna end soon..OMG..

Congratulations to lilin, ho ling, koh wei and all of my friends who graduated..
and also congratulations to fan fan and ivy..a cute couple appeared...stay sweet ya..hee
really really feel happy to u all..hehe

hey guys...please update me something about u so outdated on the news in Msia..haha..dont leave me behind k...haha..wait u all here..hee

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

phew..assignments life...

woohoo...finally passed up my last "1st assignment"..phew...
but the 2nd assignments are coming together too..that mean i have no time to relax..cause the 2nd assignments seem like so hard to do...haiz..
E-marketing plan...everything have to link via offline, online media and strategies...WhaT??!!!!
marketing and audience do i know what are the reasons they go to GP??? research survey everyday..sweat...
advertising marketing plan???..what the hell on it?? $2,000,000 details no background of the to start the plan and link to ad? some more have to summit to the company after we'd done??? Stress...REAL truth..
consumer behaviour...totally lost...
luckily Easter holiday is coming..woohoo...where to go??? what to do??erm....

let me show my present form myself..wahaha..
a Guess wallet...hee..

the whole set of my guess wallet..

the front look...

the back..

and the inner part...when u are at AUS make sure your wallet have enough place to fill in alot of cards....


show you all some other things that i used in Aussie everyday...

my QUT student ID..which bring you to assignments life...

18+ card..the Aus's law applied, cannot sell alcohol to people who underage..i always get check my the cashier who sell the wine..

my translink cost me $46.40...

AHhh~~~~so tired dy...will update more next time...night guys..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WooHoo..AUSSIE life...

Finally...i can online at home dy...hee
so sorry for late update my Aussie life here...

QUT..a university for the REAL world..
REAL world = Project + Assessments + research x k times..
so so so busy and suffering on it...haiz..but i believe i can manage it..cause no choice...
we ady gain a lot of experience at Aussie since 11 Feb...
Valentine day..i got a flower from an Aussie guy while in the bus...weird...
Orientation day...a lot of talk and seminars here and there, but really useful..
1st Summer..Damn HOT..
Transportation from my house to BUS, FERRY, or TRAIN..
1st Aussie birthday..celebrated v all my friends who in AUS too...Thanks guy..
1st Online summittion will feel proud when u summit ur assignment...
1st Autumn..cold at night but hot when afternoon...

let me show u all some views and pictures...

the riverside view that took at our house..

city view from my house..

city cat aka ferry...

took at casino...phew phew..

Ikea trip..

riverside market...

EYE on Aussie??!!!

pan cake house which renovated from a history st. Lucas church, if I'm not mistaken..hee

cold night..waiting for bus...

my Birthday costume..

the gang that i celebrated my birthday with...

quite late now..stop here...
will update more...good night guys..
miss Msia..

Monday, March 16, 2009

BUSY busy BusY...

hi guys...I'm still alive here..
so sorry for long long time didn't update my blog..
my house still doesn't have the Internet connection so friends please give some time...hee
here to tell you all about my current life..BUSY BUSY and BUSY..
3rd week have to summit a research review, week 4 another assessment, week 5 presentation v ang mo, week 7 assessment , week 8 mid term exam, week 9, 10,11, 12,13, 14..etc..
so so so suffering n busying in my study stuff..
anyway thanks for u guys so concern about me...will update more detail once the Internet connection is done...wait me guys..hee..

Monday, February 2, 2009

farewell party..

31st Jan...was my farewell party...
thanks guys...gave me such an unforgettable memories..
the time is passing damn fast..9 more days..i gonna depart from Malaysia to Aus dy..
thanks for accompanying me tide over a part of my life together..
i will miss the time we were playing, chatting, eating, shopping, singing, yumcha-ing, and do whatever 'stupid' things together...haha..
u all r the person who colouring my life up..thanks guys..cherish u all..not now but always...
take care guys..luv ya..

thanks for the video from:
weeting, the 1st time i noticed she is a good dancer...
bee, the bad person who harm me cried..hee
steven, excellent camera man ever..
cheeling, the most tired person in the video..keep on running n running.. :p
kohwei, a piggy ever..
von, the always killer..hee
qing, thanks for Oscar..but i think this is a nightmare for someone..
yuar, the person who i like the the end still use u as my pretext.. :p sorry ya..
a ling, the sponsor of the video..haha..

thanks for the flower from ian, wenduan, alex and chua roses...hee i luv it..

thanks for the present from qunming, kelvin, jianxiong, zhiwei, yihao, keepy, sisi, bifong, zhiyang, kai n zhiyi..
thanks for ur stars n xiangshi dou..haha..will miss u all..
i dont have the photo, pls send those to me ya..

lastly thanks my inti aka jb's gang...came to my house from jb..thanks ya...

Thanks everyone, im appreciated it...miss u all
take care..

Saturday, January 24, 2009


hlmilk is not longer been using in my account anymore...
i had changed all to JAEL Lim..
please update yourself and others...thanks a lot...

New year, New name, New life, New feeling and New Huey Ling..

may all your wishes come true..
money more more love more more...haha
cherish what u all have..

leave 18 days in Malaysia...