Friday, January 28, 2011


昨天他告诉我 有女生说不介意当第三者
我就说了一句子"哦"不是我不介意 也不是我能接受
所以我想了一整夜 试着站在他们的角度想这些为什么?
如果是我的话 我又会怎么做呢?

人都矛盾 我也是 想了一夜的结果是
其实我不介意当第三者 如果我觉得他值得
但是我却没办法接受 男朋友劈腿
可能是受了双鱼座浪漫幻想情操影响 我相信感情是可以培养的
或许会成为习惯 但是一但爱久了也会成为一种习惯而离不开对方
不过前提是 我必须是单身 还有就是他也必须有本事能让我爱到某种程度 才有可能发生
矛盾的想 他如果在上一段感情里能劈腿 也就代表着他也能对你做出一样的事 那值得吗?
我没办法接受男朋友劈腿 这个嘛 跟我比较好的朋友应该都会认为我可以接受 因为都有过前科 我也都原谅了
就因为是这样 所以我更不能也不会犯同样的错
我不能接受是因为 人都是自私的 我的感情不能和别人共享
笨过一次 傻过一次 就不能让自己再错第二次

有点离题了 哈哈

每个人都有每个人想要追求的东西 接不接受 就要看个人吧
所以结论就是 因人而异吧 ^^

往往这些原因会让你忽略了 之前的生死与共, 过往的同甘共苦,
琐碎的事物 不安的情况 猜疑的心情 都会让彼此认为爱少了关切也少了
真的是这样吗?试问 如果他/她不在你身边了 你还会认为是件好事吗?
如果答案是好事 那就放了他/她吧!

我觉得这一句话说得可真好啊!当你觉得快要开战时,不如深吸一口气,小声地说 慢慢地说...或许两颗心就会靠近一点了吧  ^^

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift...
珍惜眼前 让过去过去,让未来等待...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

what a happy new year...

2011...happy new year!!!

New Year...originally was a happy and excited reunion day for everyone...
Shouldn't call you...
Shouldn't force you..
Shouldn't ask you..
ya..I was escaping again..

But Today, i decided to face the problem that occurred few days ago..
and i heard what I'd expected..
again the same question same problem that we used to face before..
the solution is always there but i don't know why you still think that much...

Your words was driving me to heaven and also push me down after all...
Do you still remember..I'd told you..
if i will bring u stress, problem or sad..and I'm willing to leave without any single words...
there is no such right or wrong when you talked about LOVE..we both knew that...
We paid your heart before...that's enough for me...really...
AND YOU..i can feel how you dote on me.. :)

Thanks for telling me those..i really wish u will tell me whatever you are thinking...
no matter that is good or bad...
once we are still getting along, you are still my beloved babe.. :)
I do wish u..don't think too much please...
I might not stay at your side all the time...
I might not listen to your words..
I might not have the ability to make u love me more...
But the only one thing i knew is.. I'll love you till the time you give me up... ^^